Want to rent the Miworth Hall?

Follow the steps below:

  1. Check the availability calendar

Checking the availability/event calendar is your first step and quickest way to determine if your date is available to rent.


2. Read the Frequently asked questions

If you have questions, you can most likely find the answer on our rentals page.

Any other questions can be directed to miworthhall@gmail.com. Our email is run by volunteers. Please be patient. Our goal is to respond within 48 hours but it is not guaranteed.


3. Submit a rental request form or rental request email answering the following questions:

Your Name:

Rental Date(s):

Event Description:

Are you a member of the Miworth Community Association? (Y/N)

Is this event open to the public and of benefit to the residents of Miworth?

Are you planning to serve alcohol? Y/N

How many people do you expect to attend?

Will you be obtaining special event insurance?

Any other details we should know:

4. Sign forms and pay deposit

Our Hall Director will aim to get back to within 2-3 days. This is a volunteer position so please be patient.

Our Director will provide you with a Rental Agreement. Once the agreement is signed and your deposit is paid, your event will be blocked off in the Availability Calendar.

Full Payment is due a week before your event. Proof of Special Event Insurance must also be provided at this time. Any other pertinent permits (Alcohol, Gaming etc.) must also be provided, if applicable.